Daldrup & Söhne AG
Lüdinghauser Str. 42-46
59387 Ascheberg / Westfalen
Tel.: +49 (0) 25 93 / 95 93 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 25 93 / 72 70

Business address
Bajuwarenring 17a
82041 Oberhaching
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 45 24 37 920
Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 45 24 37 988

Email: info@daldrup.eu


Christian J. Klugstedt

Business address
Veilingweg 25
2675 BR Honselersdijk

Visitor address
Bosmastraat 39
7101 DE Winterswijk

Tel +49 (0) 2593 9593 - 0
Fax +49 (0) 2593 7270
E-Mail: info@gerf.eu

Daldrup Bohrtechnik AG
Stationsstrasse 90
6023 Rothenburg
Tel. +41 (41) 511 14 - 40
Fax +41 (41) 511 14 - 45
Email: info@daldrup.eu

Management Board

Andreas Tönies
Andreas Tönies

Andreas Tönies (CEO)

Andreas Tönies (born in 1965) was employed by Karl Daldrup GmbH after completing his training as a gas and water plumber, initially as a well constructor / drilling equipment operator until 1988. From 1989 to the year 2000 Andreas Tönies worked as a project manager in well construction and special civil engineering at Karl Daldrup GmbH. During this time he trained as a foreman specialising in well construction (1994) and finally as a master well builder (1995).

From the foundation of Daldrup & Söhne AG in 2001 until 2005 Andreas Tönies worked as project manager for deep wells and as authorized signatory of the AG. In 2005 he was appointed member of the board of Daldrup & Söhne AG. He represents the company on the capital market and is responsible for the departments Purchasing, Investments and Legal. Furthermore, the project development division deep drilling is part of his area of responsibility.

Andreas Tönies is not a member of any supervisory boards or comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of commercial enterprises that have to be formed by law.

Andreas Tönies is appointed as a member of the Executive Board until July 31, 2027.

Bernd Daldrup
Bernd Daldrup

Bernd Daldrup

Bernd Daldrup (born 1984) has been appointed by the Supervisory Board to the Management Board as of 20 May 2020. The graduate engineer is responsible for the Technology, Human Resources and Project Management business areas in the deep and medium-deep geothermal energy sector. After training as a well constructor, Bernd Daldrup studied geotechnics and applied geology at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Georg Agricola, Bochum. Since 2009 he has been working in the family business and as a project manager he supervised numerous wells in the business areas of deep geothermal energy, exploration and special foundation engineering as well as drinking and healing water throughout Europe.

Bernd Daldrup is not a member of any supervisory boards or comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of commercial enterprises that have to be formed by law.

Bernd Daldrup is appointed as member of the Management Board until May 31, 2025.

Karl Daldrup
Karl Daldrup

Karl Daldrup

Karl Daldrup (geb.: 1983) ist vom Aufsichtsrat zum 01.Dezember 2022 als Vorstand bestellt worden. Der Diplom-Ingenieur verantwortet den Geschäftsbereich allg. Bohrtechnik. Dieser Geschäftsbereich beinhaltet die Unternehmensabteilungen oberflächennahe Geothermie, Rohstoffexploration und -erkundung, Altbergbausicherung und -sanierung sowie EDS und Brunnenbau.

Nach der Ausbildung zum Brunnenbauer studierte Karl Daldrup an der Technischen Hochschule Georg Agricola, Bochum Geotechnik und angewandte Geologie. Seit 2008 ist er im Familienbetrieb tätig und betreute als Projektmanager zahlreiche Bohrungen in den Geschäftsfeldern Tiefe Geothermie, Exploration und Spezialtiefbau sowie Trink- und Heilwasser in ganz Europa.

Karl Daldrup ist kein Mitglied von gesetzlich zu bildenden Aufsichtsräten oder vergleichbaren in- und ausländischen Kontrollgremien von Wirtschaftsunternehmen.

Karl Daldrup ist als Mitglied des Vorstandes bis zum 30.11.2027 bestellt.